Some Tips to keep aware before signing the Standard Employment Contract
On the schedule/arranged interview…
Do the job interview at the Employer house so to avoid any surprises when you start your job.
Say NO to any Employment Agencies who force you to sign a Contract without further checking all the important details of the new work place.
Meet the family members of Employer.
Ask all possible tasks and arrangements that you are going to handle in the day-to-day basis.
If you’re replacing a previous Domestic Worker, ask questions on what happened and why the previous Worker left.
Check before signing any Contract…
Make sure the address stated in contract is the house you have visited and no other else.
Review the Contract specially the contents in Page No. 3:
2.A – Size of Employer house to work
2.B – Number of Adults and Children or Person/s requiring constant care or attention
3.A – Your Room (to see if you have good privacy and resting space)
3.B – Facilities to be provided
Lastly, ask you will be given Domestic Helper Insurance as this will save you from paying any damages, medical checkup or being hospitalized occured during your employment
Keep all your personal (original) documents with you all the time.